22 November, 2011

poor man's gard[en]

well, despite the rain, we somehow painted the front of our home.

it all started with a little gardening and quickly transitioned into painting...a spontaneous transformation.

i know we've been talking about it for almost two years now but we finally did it. probably because it was spontaneous. sometimes that is the only way to get things done.

and here are a few photos to give you a little preview. i didn't have time to take good photos (because of the rain) but i'll show you them soon.

poor man's gard[en] phase 4: painting the house

just to remind you what the house looked like before we began painting + landscaping...

phase 1

phase 2+3

and now, 

a little hint...

we are so glad the front is almost finished. haven't done the sides yet but at least it's a start. right?!

hope you enjoyed your rainy weekend + first few days of sunshine [if you are in southern california, that is]. i'll be around tomorrow for something fun...


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