29 July, 2011


the everette 
no. 2


the mister and missus
no. 2

disregard{en} is now 
featuring new
lines of furniture

if a piece is similar to a previous
one, it gets to be part of that little family

two of these new lines are

you wait and see. 
it is going to be so fun.

speaking of fun, i am SO
excited (and ready)
for our TWO week vacation!!!
yes. newport beach, temecula & then...
portland (& possibly seattle).
driving. oh, driving.
but i need a retreat.
and rest.
and yummy food and lovely friends & family.
and some good drinks.

i'll try and blog here and there
but if i miss a day....
you know why.

much much love to you all.
i so appreciate you for your constant
support and anticipation of what
comes next for disregard{en}
can't wait to share it with you!


1 comment:

Amy said...

i love the everett line and wish i had room in my home to snatch them all up! :)