21 June, 2011

poor man's gard{en}

hello friends!
it is tuesday.
and a hot one!!

this past sunday,
disregard{en} sold
at the melrose trading post.
it was so much fun.
we met some great people & disregard{en}
is now in some amazing homes. 

thank you to all who came out, stopped by,
purchased from and wonderfully supported.

here are a few photos from 
sunday's flea market

and, as i promised two weeks ago,
here is a little glimpse of
poor man's gard{en}: living room revamp

remember the {lost} photos?

well, now she's {found}, in my house

i hope you had a lovely weekend.

yesterday was my day of rest
and today has been full of
emails & business-y things.

maybe i'll make it outside to
paint a little & be inspired by creativity...


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